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Office certification

Office certification

Translations with office certification

Translations with office certification are translations the exactness of which is being certified directly by the translations agency with translator signature and office seal. Project managers always recommend customers to clarify from the document recipient, what kind of certification will suit the best – office, or notary’s.

Certification from the translation agency that the translation is correct is a good alternative in cases, when notary’s certification is not necessary, but the customer or document recipients wants to make sure of the legal capacity and exactness of translation.

Submission of documents

For document to be certified with office certification,  you may send it to our office e-mail address info@valodukoks.lv, or submit it in person.

Translation of such kind consists of three parts:

  • Translated document
  • Translation made by us
  • Office certification of the exactness of translation.

The result – professional translation with office certification and a seal!

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