+371 22 0363 22

Professional, expedient and fast translations for you and your business

Professional translations
Check out the price right away!
Written translations

We are making professional translations from/to all the world languages regardless of theme or text format. Translations are prepared fast and for the most beneficial price.

Notarized translations

Within a day we will ensure notarized translations of documents and text in any language. The job will be done within short terms, professionally and for the best price

Apostille and legalisation

If there is a need to use documents abroad, we will help you to make all the actions regarding the processing of documents for them to be accepted by any abroad institution.

Translations with office certification

We offer to certify translations with office certification, including the signature of translator and office seal. It would be a good alternative to the notarial certification.

Oral translation

We ensure oral translations on everyday basis, provided by translators with years of experience and the lease of equipment – the complete service!


Style, grammar and spelling corrections, language use is very popular and necessary in cases when you have doubts about the quality of existing text, or its compliance to the audience.

Team of professionals
Short time of execution
Excellent service
Bargain prices
Adapting to any budget
Individual approach
Competent project managers
Great project management
Efficient long-lasting cooperation


Translations are always delivered in time and we are sure about receiving the most beneficial offer. Communication is easy and pleasant; project managers are very competent. Thank you for your work!

p/f „Ūdeņu mājas”

Great service and cooperation through endless projects! Thanks to all the team of Language tree for operational efficiency and customer-friendly prices. It is a joy to cooperate with you, we are definitely recommending your services to others!

LLC “Global resources”
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